I had seen this picture on Pinterest and knew that I wanted to make something like it.
I feel like one of the worst things at a bridal shower, baby shower, or even a birthday party is all of the pictures of the guest of honor opening all of their gifts there is so often the worst most ugly backgrounds behind them. I wanted to make sure that this didn't happen, hence the reason I just HAD to make a backdrop wall.
I went to Home Depot purchased a pre-assembled fence piece, and then bought boards that matched to make the shelves.

I wanted the shelves to be all different sizes similar to the picture, so my Dad and I cut the shelves out of large pieces of board, to be all different lengths.
My Dad and Grandpa bent some pieces of metal that they had to use as brackets for each of the shelves.
And here is the fence backdrop all complete at the shower. My amazing sister added the tissue paper pom-poms to the wall, to add a pop of color and I absolutely love how it turned out! The green velvet chair belonged to my Great-Grandmother and was in my Grandparents house when I was little. This is where my soon to be sister sat while opening her gifts! You will remember the giant J & L from the GOLD post. This was also one of my most favorite parts of the shower, it was such a focal point and was just gorgeous!
That completes all of the DIY project posts for the shower. Check back to see a tour of the entire Bridal Shower and all the little details!
XOXO, Whitney